Merry Christmas, Tzuyu aka Lani! πβ€οΈπ
As the Jingle bells swing by and ring. May God takes away all your sadness and let some wings to your happiness which will eventually make you fly. Wish you a Merry Christmas.
Btw kangen banget sama lani main rp huhuhu semoga rest rp nya istiqomah ya.. tapi alangkah lebih baiknya kamu gagal lrp kayak aku hiks soalnya aku kangen banget sama chie. :"
Oh iya bahagia terus juga, ClairΓ© sayang Lani banyak banyak! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Dahyunie! πβ€οΈπ
Christmas becomes extra special when it is celebrated with the dear ones, and you definitely belong to my favorite category. I hope you have fun this holiday season. Merry Christmas. <3
Merry Christmas, Bundaaa! πβ€οΈπ
May the holy Christmas night bring warmth, happiness, and well-being into your life. Let the lights of Christmas guide you to success and prosperity and bring peace in your life. May God always protect you from every harm and keeps you happy and healthy. Celebrating Christmas with you makes the festival more colorful. Merry Christmas, bundaaaa. <3
Aku sayang banget sama bunda, pokoknya makasih banyak buat semunya, makasih udah mau dengerin segala keluh kesahku setiap hari yang sangat membosenkan ntu :" bahagia selalu ya bundaaaa, ClairΓ© sayang hanbin hehehehe maksudnya sayang BUNDA! π₯°
euh bukan disini π
Merry Christmas, tempe mendoan! πβ€οΈπ
Wishing you a joyous, colorful, and love-filled Christmas. May this Christmas bring happiness and peace to you. This Christmas, I want to thank you for always being there for me when I needed you the most. I wish all the happiness knock at your door at this festival. All my best wishes to you this Christmas. Merry Christmas, mnyetku! <3
Apelagi ye jujur gue gak tau mau ngomong apa, mau bilang gue sayang elu pasti elu udah MUAK, euh intinya gue sayang banget sama elu kung terima kasih udah mau menemanin gue, mendengarkan segala keluh kesah gue di dunia brengkes ini selama 2 tahun euh. Bahagia terus pokoknya kung, semoga cepet dapet pacar deh yang langgeng gak singkat kayak yang kemaren wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk terus semoga elu bisa merasakan bagaimana rasanya nikah di rp wkwkwkwkwkwk dan bahagia terus tempeku. Love you! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Lilis Daratista! πβ€οΈπ
Christmas is knocking at the door. May all the blessings of this Christmas be yours. May you feel happiness all year round. Many many best wishes to you. This holiday season I would like to raise a toast to our friendship and the epic bond that we share. Thanks for sticking by. I love you so much. Wish you a Merry Christmas, mnyt. <3
Euh gue juga sayang elu, semoga habis natal ini elu kgak lagi dah main rp, lesgo ikuti jejak gue leave rl fokus rp!!!! Terus juga jangan terlalu stress mikirin tugas tugas lo itu ya, semangaaaat terus pokoknya jangan nyerah. Bahagia terus juga pokoknya. Gue sayang elu! π₯°
Merry Christmas, minal sutrisna! πβ€οΈπ
Wishing you a happy, healthy and colorful life this Christmas. Enjoy every moment with your family, friends, and your loved ones. Merry Christmas!
euh apa ye yang mau gue omongin, makasih pokoknya makasih udah mau menjadi temen gue, udah mau jadi member btv, udah mau jadi anak anakan gue dulu FAK pokoknya I'm thankful for your existence in my life, jangan bosen bosen ya temenan sama gue. Bahagia terus pokoknya, gue sayang elu! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Cle ku sayang! πβ€οΈπ
Sending thoughtful wishes your way this Christmas season. May the treasures and traditions of Christmas fill your heart with hope and happiness. <3
Cle, euh akhirnya kita bisa deket lagi huhuhuhu jujur aku kangen banget sama kamu! Bahagia terus ya sayangku, inget kalau ada apa-apa jangan sungkan buat hubungin aku dm aku selalu terbuka pokoknya buat kamu! jeamnie sayang nyunya! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Posie baby! πβ€οΈπ
Christmas is all about spending time with friends and family and creating memories that will last forever. Letβs celebrate this wonderful occasion this season. Merry Christmas my dear!
Jujur kangen banget sama posie huft kamu kemana? Wherever you are semoga kamu bahagia terus ya, jangan lupa balik main rp heheheheheehe aku sayang kamu, semoga kamu bisa baca ini!π₯°
Merry Christmas, Nyanya! πβ€οΈπ
You are the best person to build a snowman with or go to on a winter wonderland. I wish you the best in this holiday season, mate. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. <3
Euh mau ngomong apa lagi ye, hbd deh mulai dari sekarang aja ngucapinnya biar nanti gak perlu ngucapin lagi wkwkwkwkwkwk. Bahagia terus ya nyanya, aku sayang kamu! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Susu basiku! πβ€οΈπ
There is nothing much more amazing than spending time with you in the holiday season and talk about our life and fun things. May this Christmas be a memorable one! <3
susu, gak kerasa udah setahun kita bersama :3 jujur awalnya gue gak pernah nyangka kita bakalan sedeket ini huhuhu thanks to fusid telah mempersatukan kita. Makasih ya udah mau menjadi temen gue, makasih udah mau jadi bagian dari BTV48, bahagia terus susis, aku sayang banget sama elu! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Tokki-ku! πβ€οΈπ
May God always protect you from every harm and keeps you happy and healthy. May every wish of your heart is granted by the merciful God. Merry Christmas, my dear best friend. Hugs and kisses. :*
Tokki, jujur gue bingung mau ngomong apa lagi intinya gue SAYAAAAAAAAAANG BANGET SAMA LO, SAYANGKU GAK PALSU EUH SERIUS. Makasih udah mau menjadi sobatku, makasih udah mau tahan temenan sama orang kayak aku hiks bahagia terus ya sayangku because karena agar supaya happiness looks gorgeous on you. ClairΓ© sayang Eca! π₯°
Merry Christmas, Kak Wendy! πβ€οΈπ
May this Christmas bring you much joy and happiness and may your New Year be merry and bright. Thanks for being my friend! Wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. <3
Kak wendy, aku mau ngucapin makasih ya udah mau bertahan sama BTV48 hihihihi makasih udah tahan sama kelakuan anak btv yang gak jelas itu -,- Semoga kak wendy sehat-sehat terus, bahagia selalu juga, semoga langgeng sama pacarnya. Aku sayang kak wendy! π₯°